Keyword search

Find the keywords that will bring you traffic with our advanced AI analysis tool
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  1. Main subject input
    • Example: “Weight loss
  2. Select Search Language
  3. Submit the form and find out:
    • 4 popular subtopics related to “Weight loss
    • For each sub-theme, 4 even more specific sub-topics
    • A list of the 5 most popular keywords for each sub-topic
    • For each keyword, 5 long-tail variants
    • For each long-tail keyword, 5 semantically related keywords or entities
  4. Recover All Those Precious Results:
    • Use them to create content optimized to drive traffic.


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Join the GPT Genie community to gain access to our AI tool, which will provide you with a comprehensive list of keywords, related topics and semantic entities to create ultra-optimized content on keywords that have the potential to bring you visits.

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