Claude Instant, ChatGPT’s new rival

How does Claude Instant 1.2 revolutionize gaming with ChatGPT?

The emergence of Claude Instant 1.2

Anthropic unveils its latest version of Artificial Intelligence, Claude Instant 1.2, designed to rival ChatGPT.

By offering a more affordable alternative without compromising on performance, Anthropic promises to shake up the AI world.

Who is d'Anthropic?

Anthropic is a rising star in the technology world, founded by former OpenAI members.

The history between the two giants has always been tinged with a healthy rivalry that stimulates innovation and research.

Claude's impressive evolution

The major evolution from Claude Instant 1.1 to Claude Instant 1.2 incorporates the strengths of Claude 2, Anthropic’s previous flagship. Major advances have been made, particularly in areas such as :

  • Mathematics: Improved problem-solving performance, from 80.9% to 86.7%.
  • Coding: Significant improvement from 52.8% to 58.7%.

Thanks to these updates, Claude Instant 1.2 promises more refined and structured responses, demonstrating better adherence to the format and more accurate citation extraction.

Enhanced Multilingual Skills

The multilingual capabilities of this new version of Claude Instant have been significantly enhanced, a step forward that is crucial to Anthropic’s ability to reach a wide audience and meet the needs of a diverse audience.

Less hallucinations and jailbreaking

Hallucinations are the production of incorrect or absurd texts, while Jailbreaking allows you to bypass the fundamental parameters of the linguistic model.

The Claude Instant 1.2 update focuses on greater reliability, minimizing these “hallucinations” and resisting jailbreaking attempts.

Anthropic's future ambitions

While recognizing the prowess of GPT-4, Anthropic aims to lead the next generation of self-learning AI algorithms.

This kind of versatile virtual assistant will be able to answer e-mails, carry out searches and even generate illustrations.

It should be noted, however, that Claude Instant still competes with OpenAI’s entry-level solutions.

They are already collaborating with Anthropic

Anthropic’s appeal continues to grow, and renowned platforms such as Quora and DuckDuckGo are already relying on Claude and Claude Instant for their services.

The California-based start-up’s innovative technology is integrated with Quora’s Poe chatbot and DuckDuckGo’s privacy-focused virtual assistant DuckAssist.

In conclusion

With the release of Claude Instant 1.2, Anthropic confirms its position as a serious rival to ChatGPT.

Their relentless pursuit of innovation, combined with a focus on performance and reliability, promises to shape the future of Artificial Intelligence technologies.

Claude Instant, ChatGPT’s new rival

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